Happy Chinese New Year of the DOG!
En Imaginocity hemos estado celebrando año nuevo chino del PERRO con los libros de animales, canciones, bailes, juegos y manualidades. Debes admitir que nuestros PERROS de papel son lindos, ¿verdad?
También nos divertimos mucho jugando con la cocina, haciendo y comiendo HOT-DOGS de tela;)
We have been celebrating Chinese New Year in Imaginocity with animal stories, songs, dancing, play and arts & crafts. You must admit that our paper plate DOGS are cute, aren´t they?
We also got lots of fun when playing with the kitchen, making and eating out fabric HOT-DOGS;)

Continuing our Chinese New Year of the dog theme, we talked about different dogs – big and small. We looked at dinosaurs, finding similarities between them and … Chinese dragons;) Then we made some that looked a bit like caterpillars (Dani´s words!;)
During our session, we also did some construction work with wooden blocks, practicing names of shapes and colours.
We repeated our emotions vocabulary too, by making silly faces:)
And when we finished, we all helped to tidy up, singing our song:
Clean, clean up, everybody everywhere, clean up, clean up, one, two, three!
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